Giving that Grows our Community
Farmers markets don't happen on their own. We need your help to ensure that fresh, local food is always on the menu. Your gift today helps support local businesses, expand access to healthy food, and grow awareness of the importance of eating local.

Your donations make the market happen.
Like you, we believe that farmers markets are a pillar for a healthy, thriving community. Our team works throughout the year to support, promote, and expand access to locally grown and made products for everyone in Boulder County.
Donations help fund food access programs that equitably serve up high-quality local food year-round, provide public education on local food, and help expand the capacity of our farmers and food producers.
What your Donation Makes Possible:
Helps distribute $600,000+ worth of fresh, local produce through our Food Access programs Helps new farmers and producers grow their business and customer base Expands community education and teaching programs related to local agriculture Supports our producer and vendor community members during times of hardship or growth Funds the establishment of a year-round local market to meet the needs of our local community
How to Donate:
You can make a one-time or recurring donation online by clicking the button below, or you can mail a check to:
Boulder County Farmers Markets 1821 Lefthand Cir Unit D Longmont, CO 80501
Tax Information:
We are a 501c4 nonprofit, so contributions or gifts to Boulder County Farmers Markets are not tax deductible as charitable contributions or as business expenses under IRC Section 162(e).